Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Making recycling fun!

If you want in on the Facebook giveaway head over there and Like the page to see what's going on!

Today I am going to show you why saving all those jars can be a good thing and a great way to use them!  I am a jar hoarder.  I have them in a cabinet in the house and an old wooden footlocker in the craft room.  I use them to store my home made spices (which you can find at our cooking blog HERE), snacks, bread mixes and they are great for giving treats to neighbors at Christmas time!  I save sauce jars, jam and jelly jars, apple sauce jars and plastic containers.

I figured since the Mod Podge was out I might as well keep using it!


scrapbook papers
 (use up those scrap pieces)
gems/stones/rocks/seashells (optional)
E600 (optional)

First I took my little cup ($ Store find) and traced circles.  I used this because it was just a little larger than my lid and it made for a nice pattern to follow.  You will need to use whatever you have on hand or if you are awesome and can free hand a circle go for it!  Just make sure you add enough to fold over the sides.

After you have your circle cut you can glue it to the middle of the paper like I did OR you can trace the lid on the BACK SIDE of your paper.  

If you do glue it on first let it dry before moving on!

Then make marks like I did in the picture below.  I tried making larger spaces and smaller spaces to see which worked the best.  I would definitely go with the smaller spaces as they folded and overlapped better.

After you have your lines drawn cut along each one up to your lid or the circle you traced.  You will be making flaps.

If you didn't glue your lid to the middle of the circle before cutting do so now and let it dry.  I put glue on the lid and on the paper for a better stick!

You will add glue to the lid and the paper then fold flaps over turning your lid in the same direction as you go.  No skipping around!

Let dry!

I am using these to put on jars with perishable food.  So, I trimmed the paper off right at the bottom of the lid so I don't interfere with sealing the lid.

After they have been trimmed give them two good coats of Mod Podge, letting it dry between coats.

This step is completely optional, but I want a little something to decorate my lids.  I went through the craft rom and found different options. 

 I am sure I could have found many more, but I found those yellow hearts and they match perfectly.  They were an old pair of earrings most likely from the 80s or early 90s!  I just snipped the steam off the back and glued them on with a little E600 (and I do mean a little)!

Here you can see them in my pantry holding some yogurt pretzels.  Shh, I found the pretzels in the $ section.  I filled these two jars for $4, if my kiddos knew they wouldn't eat them!  Yet another reason to use the jars, they learn not to care what "brand" you buy, just that they are available to eat!

Now here are all of the projects we did this week as well as some bottle cap magnets I made previously.  We have a whole set to give or in this case put in my kitchen!

You can see how to make the:


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