Monday, September 15, 2014

Clothes Pin Magnets

Clothes Pin Magnets

I made these to give as gifts and to help organize school papers on our magnetic board.


Candy (optional)
Scrapbook Paper
(I use scrap pieces)
-Sheets or
GOJO (optional)

Step 1- Get your supplies ready!

I use both kinds of Mod Podge because I have them both.  One or both will work just fine!

Step 2- cut your paper pieces to fit your pin.  I traced and cut them a little bigger than needed.

Here you can see the pieces ready to be glued together.

 Step 3-with the foam brush put a light coat of Mod Podge on the pin.

Step 4- Turn the heater on because it is freezing in the Black Hills today (ok so it was 53, but to me that is chilly enough for a heater).  This also may be where your helper has gotten bored and wandered off to do his own project!

 Next set aside the pieces to dry.  Then go wash up with the GOJO!  Seriously this stuff is awesome!  If you have a mechanic type husband he may already have some!

When dry trim the edges.

Next you will take your Mod Podge of choice and put a light coat over the paper to seal it.

Step Some Number (I've lost track ;)- While the glue is drying trace out your pins on your sheet of magnets.  If you decided to use the roll magnets you will still have some trimming to do.

Now is where I hit a snag!  I thought I had the self adhesive sheets, turns out I had the printer sheets.  So I did a little sanding to help them stick to the pins.  The link above for the sheets are the right self adhesive ones I usually buy.

I then glued the magnets on and let them dry.  When they were dry I trimmed them up and TADA!

These magnets are not the strongest by any means, but they will hold a few sheets of paper.  They will work great for holding school papers on the magnetic board!



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