Friday, September 12, 2014

Milk experiment

I saw this experiment on Facebook this morning and had to try it.  If you do experiments with your kiddos, please test them out ahead of time.  If they don't work you won't look cool anymore! 

Here is a supply list with links-
Disclosure-I am an Amazon Affiliate

Bowl or paper plate (remember it main get stained)
liquid dish soap (I love Dawn dish soap for a lot of things, but my hubs was in charge of buying the last jug)
milk (just enough to cover the bottom of your container)

If you are like me and milk is a precious commodity in your house (can we say teenager?) then this will work well for you!  It only takes enough milk to cover the bottom of your container!  That being said the bigger the container the more you will get to see.

Step 1 gather your supplies!  Sorry about the ground cherries in the background, they are everywhere in my house thanks to the 10 year old!

Step 2 Add your milk and drop in food coloring.  For some reason I only had two colors.  Don't know what happened to the others!

Step 3 Add a drop of dish soap and watch the magic!

The colors mixed and changed and moved!

In the picture below I spun the bowl around and the colors swirled!

I left it sit and the colors blended and was not pretty!  But, if you add a little more dish soap it will continue to react!  Even after sitting for 5 minutes! 

HERE is a video with the science behind it.  It has something to do with the fat molecules. I tried to embedded the video for you but Blogger is not cooperating today! 

Let me know if you try this experiment and send me some pictures!

Make sure you check us out on Instagram at jcelestecreations and on Facebook!

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