Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bottle Cap Magnets Revamped

Jumping right in today!  Some of you mentioned that my Bottlecap Magnet post was a little confusing!  I don't blame you!  I created that post because I was confused myself.  I was testing different products to see which would work the best.  So now that I have it down to an art I can share a better step by step for you. 

NOTE:  The supplies links are as always from Amazon, but I encourage you to find the best prices!  I found a lot of my supplies at Hobby Lobby for 50% off!  If they had an affiliate program I would be there in a heart beat!  My hubs brought me home an application for them, but we agreed I may spend more than I make!


Bottle Caps
1" hole punch
Scrapbook paper
bits and bobs
(I use a lot of charms and earrings)
GOJO (optional)

Step one is to gather your supplies of course!  Check out the tips at the end to make this a success!

You can use the link above to order bottle caps from Amazon (100 for $7 and I paid $5 for 20 at HL).  It will take you to a silver bottle cap, but you can find all different colors!

You can buy bottle caps of recycle the ones you get from glass bottles.

Step two is to punch a bunch of papers!  You will need a 1" hole punch.  They will fit perfectly into your 1" bottle caps, so no need to worry about trimming or cutting perfectly!
Hole punch from Paper Studios.  It is a great hole punch, but I prefer the ones from EK Tools.

Step Three is to fill your bottle caps with whatever fits and matches your papers!

I am a military wife so of course my first try was patriotic!

I found beads, old earrings, chains, stickers, charms, old pins, parts from my hubs shop, pendants, miniatures made from clay.


Step four is pouring your Easy Cast.  This is the best product I found, and I tried a lot of them!  Just follow the directions to mix, fill your bottle caps to just below the rim and enough to cover your bits and bobs.  Easy Cast has a degassing agent in it so no need to worry about those bubbles, just leave them be and they will go away on their own!  Don't forget the tips at the bottom!

Last step!  Add your magnets.  You will need a heavy duty magnet to hold these up! 

I use E600 because I know it is going to work and hold for the long run!



Make sure you get the best prices on your supplies!  Like I said above I paid $5 for 20 when I could have gotten 100 for $7.

After pouring your epoxy make sure everything stayed where you want it!  I use wooden chopsticks to move things around. 

You are going to want to use your chopstick to push down on the paper to make sure you don't get any floaters and to make sure you get the air bubbles out.

LET YOUR EPOXY DRY!!  This could take up to 3 days.  Make sure you have your room at 70 degrees as well.  If the room temperature is not according to the package you will end up with a sticky surface that will never harden!

DO NOT TOUCH!  You will be tempted, trust me!  You may leave bubbles or finger prints behind!

Be careful when gluing your magnets as it will get stringy, you don't want those strings to get on the pretty side of your magnet!

I hope this made it easier and that you give it a try!


  1. where do u purchase the bottle caps?

    1. I have bought them at Hobby Lobby, but if you click on the link in the supplies it will take you to Amazon. That is the best deal! I just ordered 100 of them for $7 last night! The ones I got at Hobby lobby were 20 for $5 and that was on a half price sale. So I would say the link above is the way to go. Just click on bottle caps under supplies and it will take you there!
