Friday, September 19, 2014

Removing Labels from Jars

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If you look to the right of the screen and scroll down you will see Creations Picks.  Those are the products I use the most.

I got a few messages from readers asking how to get the labels off of jars. You may remember the lids I made a couple days ago? Well here is how I prepare the jars to be used in my pantry, craft room or to give with gifts!

Recycled Jars
Baking Soda
Dish soap
 (I use blue Dawn for everything)

First I collect jars. It is easier to do this when you can fill one sink full at a time.

Next peel off as much of the label as possible.  This will help the mixture work where it needs to.

Then I set the jars in the sink and fill each jar with hot water (as hot as you can get it). After they are full I fill the sink until the labels are all covered by water.

I fill them with water so they won't float.

Add 2-3 cups of vinegar, 1 cup baking soda and a squirt of dish soap to the water. Watch the magic!

You can see the bubbles working!

Let soak for 10-20 minutes. Scrape off what you can of the labels and if it isn't coming off soak a little longer!

If you have any with stubborn glue dry the  jar and cover the area with Crisco (YEP, Crisco).  Let sit for 30 min to overnight. Some will come off easier than others.

 If you really are not able to get the glue off I suggest wrapping it with a pretty paper to cover it ;)

Go check out how I used the jars for Pumpkin Butter at Our other blog Our Asylum's Kitchen Cookbook!

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