Monday, October 6, 2014

Paint Stick Signs

I got the idea for this after making the pallet signs. I'm sure that I am not the first one to think of this idea!

Paint sticks
wood glue
hand saw

First I found 9 paint sticks and lined them up.

If you are going to be giving this as a gift I suggest painting your backs too!

I used a hand saw to cut two of the paint sticks down to use as the back pieces that will hold all of them together.

I didn't get a picture of the back pieces with the glue on it. I laid the two back pieces down and added wood glue to them.  I then laid the sticks on the counter and lined the rest of the paint sticks over them.  I had to weigh them down as the  sticks were not all the same thickness.

When I was finished I  painted it.

You will see later what I did with this project.  We like cliff hangers here! 

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