Sunday, October 12, 2014

Reader Curiosity

Today you won't see a lot visually, but you will learn a little about me.

I had a reader that was curious as to why I am so frugal with my supplies.

"Why do you only make crafts with only things you have in your craft room?"

Excellent question dear reader and there are so many answers to it! But, I will only bore you with 10.

1. The biggest on my list is that we are a one income military family. We chose to put our money into our dream property and that means living frugally every where else. I don't complain I have a huge craftroom!

2. Over the 16 years we have been married I have accumulated A LOT of crafty crap. If I don't have the exact product, it makes me stretch my creativity to a place that I may not have been to before! It's a challenge to my Muse.

3. Why not? Why shouldn't I use up what I have instead of spending money where I don't need to.

4. It gives me something to talk to my kids and hubs about. "So I have this idea..." always leads to interesting dinner conversations and some amazing ideas.

5. Did I mention I have A LOT of crafty crap?

6. A good example - My hubs came home with a HUGE box of bubble wrap. I Googled projects and discovered it makes a good window insulator! So I can't spy on the neighbors or but my craft room will be a little warmer this winter!

7. My mom recently brought me a lot of her craft supplies so I have plenty of stock!

8. Recycling! I hurts no one and helps everyone! My hubs may be bothered by this, he calls it hoarding.

9. I don't exclusively use what I have. When I do go buy a product I make sure I have a coupon or it is on sale. We also have some great local freebie Facebook pages! 

10. If I don't have it my hubs probably does, in his shop or the house. So I try to make sure I check everywhere before purchasing some thing. I hate nothing more than buying some thing and finding out later I had it!

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