Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pumpkin Bricks

Sorry I don't have a lot of pictures today!  My son pulled this out of the Halloween tub and I thought I would share with you how it was made.  This week is a very crazy week so please hang in with me and if you have any questions or I miss something let me know! 


Orange, White and Black Paint (your choice, I would recommend acrylic)

That's it!  That is all the supplies you need!

Paint your brick orange and add your Jack O' Lantern face to one or both sides.  You could make a whole series of them or make some that spell out Boo! OR Happy Halloween!  So easy and great to get the kids involved with the orange paint! 

If you are worried about messes and working with kids head to your Dollar Store and pick up disposable table cloths!  Throw them in old t-shirts and pants, or like my youngest he has his own apron.  They will clean up, promise!  Throw them in the bath, kids are washable.

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