Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Paint Stick Mini Christmas Signs

NOTE:  I have started an Amazon store to the right.  If I list a product or there is one that I love I will share it there.  So it is a great place to find supplies if you would like to try any of the projects!  Remember I do get a small percentage of your purchase (and I do mean small), but I am a Stay at Home Mom just trying to add a little income not become a millionaire!  I do this because I love searching, creating and most of all sharing!

I can't take credit for this idea at all! Today's  Fabulous Finds created this idea and I wanted to share pictures of my steps to show you how easy it really is. You can head over to her page by clicking on her name above! There you will find complete details and supplies list as well as the printables! No hand drawing or vinyl needed! She gives you amazing details so take the time to read it first!


Add wire and some embellishments or ribbons and you have a cute little gift to give teachers or in place of the bow on a gift!
I added some dimensional snow as well.

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