Thursday, April 17, 2014

Paper Thursday!

Sorry I have been missing!  The blog is going to be transformed into something that will be a little more manageable for me.  I will be posting once a week with a project that I am working on.  You will either get step by step instructions, pictures or updates.  Also if you are a food junkie and a little on the crazy side come join my Bestie and I over at our new blog Our Asylum's Kitchen Cookbook

So today's project is what I created for part of our Easter decorations.  I made some little pots and fancied up the eggs!

Step 1.  Dollar Store!  I found the eggs and the little pots.  These are not great pots and are probably better off as decor, but 10 for $1, why not?

Step 2.  Get out the Mod Podge (don't you just love this stuff)!  I found those little red cup cake holders at the Dollar Store as well and they are great for holding my glue!

Step 3.  Tear up pieces of paper.  I used an old church hymnal that was falling apart and fit with the Easter theme.

Step 4. Mod Podge the heck out of it all!  You are going to get sticky and covered in glue-that's a promise!  Do you know about the orange gritty hand soap-GOJO that your hubs might use in the garage to clean up?  Get some!  It takes the glue right off!

Step 5. Let Dry and repeat with the eggs!  They are tricky to hold on to but the results are worth it!

Step 6.  Figure out how you are going to use them!  I am still working on this step!  I am sure the pots will hold candy, and the eggs my get used in a birdcage that I am thinking about putting together as a center piece.

Good luck everyone and I hope you have a great Easter!  I will see you next week!

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