Monday, March 10, 2014


Well this week went way to fast to come share anything with you, so my apologies for being AWOL! 

Today I wanted to highlight an artist that I have come to love!  Ronne Barton is a Fairy/fantasy artist.  Her son helps video tape her lessons, so just hang in there with them, because you will learn some amazing tips!  I am not very good at faces, so today I went to her YouTube page and I am going to attempt her lessons.  She will tell you the same thing I need to PRACTICE!  Some of my early Zen Drawings are horrible and will never see the light of day, but I kept them so I could see if I was improving. 

HERE is a link to her second lesson that is a female face.  Her first lesson is that you should clean up and organize the space you will be drawing in!  Love that!

She also has an Etsy store  if you are interested in any of her pieces!  She does not charge nearly enough in my opinion!

HERE is a link to her website where you can see amazing images like the ones below.  This is her art work I own nothing!
Susan (8x10)       Moonlight Unicorn (8x10)

Here is my attempt at her first art lesson!  It isn't great, but I wouldn't say horrible! My son said it looked like it should be one of the characters in Scooby Doo!  HAHA  HAHA (SNORT) HAHA HAHA!

Guess it is true I need to PRACTICE!!!  Luckliy I usually carry pencils and a sketch pad with me!  I will keep practicing and when I feel ready I will move on to her next lesson!  Hope you had a great Monday!

Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated or profit from promoting Ronne Barton, just wanted to share her work!

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