Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nope, not Friday yet...

Seriously, this week is taking way to long to get through.  Contractors, babies, school reports oh my!  Let's just say this week needs to end soon.  This week has been one of those weeks where I have to decide if I am going to keep up the Facebook page, Pinterest and this blog or if I give up due to lack of interest.  Maybe I need to market more?  I need to focus more on my own craft projects as well.  Yep, I hit a wall, a slump, a rut in the road.  So I jumped!  I am still hanging in the air over that wall or rut and waiting to see if I make the leap (or slam into the wall) or if I fall and hit hard.  So hang on for the ride and if you are out there give me a shout, you might be my safety net if I fall or the breeze that pushes me just that much further!

Enough with the heavy!  It is Paper Thursday!  I am here to help you find your next project or spark ideas of your own.  Today's idea came from this morning's school rush.  My kids have matching backpacks.  They are constantly getting them mixed up and in the morning rush have had to switch bags on the bus last minute.  So I was trying to think of ways to help them identify which bag belongs to which kid.  No they wont give them up and get different bags!  They are very proud to be military brats and one of the few Army kids in an Air Force majority school and carry Army National Guard backpacks!  They have gotten a great welcome from the other Air Force kids, even with my oldest having long hair and he is definitely in the minority there!  The girls are crushing and his girlfriend wont let him cut it (he's going to be 13 in a week) *sigh*...

So what better way to identify a military back pack than with dog tags!  Infarrantly Creative has a great project for just that! Click on the picture for a link to their website!  They own the picture and the project ideas!

backpack tags (4)

HERE is the link to where she found the dog tags! They also have color ones that are like tags you get for your bag when traveling (another great place to use these dog tags;).  All you have to do is print your dog tag and slip it in. Another great place to find them is Amazon!

One of the pins that is most often pinned from my personal Pinterest page is bottle cap projects.  I use the metal ones a lot in my miniatures to make pies and I use pop bottle caps (plastic ones) to make cakes!  So I wondered if they could be used for this too!  So why not use those bottle caps I have saved for this?   This Workman Life did just that!  See their picture below to see these great projects!
Go HERE to find your badge clips!

Let me know if you think of anything else.  We are hoping to tackle this project this weekend!

Quote of the Day

Love it! Happy Veterans Day and happy birthday to my little army brat!!

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