Friday, February 21, 2014

Pinspiration Friday!

Today's Pinspiration I am going to share with you a project that I am hoping to work on over the next couple weeks.  I just have one takes a lot of TP tubes.  Now I know what you are thinking, how could it be a problem to find TP tubes in your house?  Well, the problem isn't in finding them!  My birds go through 5-6 of them in a day!  So I have to either limit how many they get and listen to 9 birds complain they didn't get enough beak exercise in a day or I need to put a shout out to friends.  Well, I did ask one friend to save theirs, so hopefully I will be able to get this project off the ground or out of the bathroom if you will! 

No this project as all the others I do, has no limitations!  The sky is the limit with designs, not so much with shapes, unless you are willing to make your scissors your best friend! 

As always click the picture for a link to the Pinterest page I found them on!  You can also find all of these projects on the Friday Pinspiration Board!

lovely, will start saving the toilet paper rolls        
toiletpaper - papertowel rolls reused to make home decor.    i did this too. it's so easy and very cute.

What if you would rather have something a little more upscale and not have people even realize it is TP tubes?  *Ahem* This is where you will need to get those scissors out...

Faux metal decorations made from toilet paper tubes!     
all things paper: Faux Metal Wall Art  Lovely, right? Store bought wrought iron wall decor with that popular southwestern vibe...    Not so fast.    Suzy used paper towel tubes and toilet paper rolls to create those amazingly realistic framed pieces!


What if you wanted to use a canvas to make it feel more like a simple but elegant art piece?

What you need: 1. Despite the large amount of toilet paper/paper towel rolls I had above, you will only need two or three toilet paper rolls.  2. Three small art canvases. (I had these left over from my Po' Kids Wall Decoration post, but they are from Hobby Lobby-- a 2 pack is $3.99.)  3. Branches.  How to do it:  1. Smush your toilet paper rolls like so:   
What if you want to leave most of the TP tube intact?  It would look like a TP tube right?

I so would not have the patience to do this but the effect is incredible!  All of these ideas using toilet paper rolls, how ingenious!

Another ways to use those TP tubes!

DIY Toilet Paper Tube Heart...the worst. Just the worst. And look how many tubes there are?!? This DIY nonsense with TP tubes has got to stop!! Sometimes I really hate Pinterest for encouraging this crap! "Look at my pretty desert table! Oh, and my garbage wreath too!"
What about to help you get organized?

  a littler ornate for my tastes, and I believe the page is originally in russian. But basically you paint your cardboard tubes (she used thicker store bought tubes, not paper towel rolls) and design them however, seal to protect the paint/pattern, then glue to your base.


Quote of the Day!

Just like toilet paper ha!

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