Sunday, February 2, 2014

AWOL-sorry! Sunday tea time!

Sorry I was AWOL.  Hanging out with my kiddos was first priority this weekend! Today I thought I would share some of my favorite recipes involving tea!  Don't forget to go to the Facebook page or the Pinterest page for more.  If you are new to our page, WELCOME! I do not own the photos, unless noted.  All photos are linked to the pages they are found on.  Today is Sunday Tea.  Everyday of the week has a different theme.  While I try to get here everyday my family comes first.

I love Pumpkin flavors in the fall and winter.  Here is one for a Pumpkin Chai Tea.

pumpkin chai tea recipe (made with ground spices & splenda-fab!)
Next is a recipe for Autumn Orange Tea. 
Miss Indie: Autumn Orange Sun Tea Recipe

Old Fashion Living is one of my favorite places to visit.  They have recently posted a blog titled-Vintage Afternoon Tea Recipes.  Click on the picture for the link!

My hubs and kids like Hot Tang, but I like Spice tea.  Maybe it steams from my ancestors time in Russia, who knows!  Click the picture for a link to this great recipe.  As the picture shows this makes a great gift to give or put in a pretty jar on your counter!  I think I may make some this afternoon!

The recipe I use for the mix is one that my Mom gave me.  1 Cup Instant Tea (unsweetened)  2 Cups Tang  1 Cup Lemonade Mix (Countrytime, etc)  1/2 tsp Ground Cloves  1 tsp Ground Cinnamon    Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl or large sealing bag; mix well.    Serve 2 TBS mix in a mug of hot water. Mmmmmm, good!

I haven't tried matcha tea yet, but plan to soon!  Here is a recipe for three ways to make this traditional Japanese tea. If you would like to try it go HERE!

Matcha Tea: A traditional Japanese method for preparing matcha calls for a bamboo whisk with superfine tines; however, home cooks can also hack the process using a mini immersion blender or whisk. And while the Japanese take their matcha "green," some drinkers may find the unadulterated mixture too bitter and grassy for their liking. That's why we've included a quick latte recipe for easy matcha drinking. Take a look at 3 ways to make matcha.

Starbucks (my personal addiction) has a version as well!  So if you aren't up to the challenge of whisking up your own tea try theirs!

Tazo® Green Tea Latte

Hope you all take the time to enjoy a cup of tea today and just sit and enjoy the beautiful sunshine we have!  For those watching the Super Bowl don't forget to go check out my Super Bowl post for a printable to play Bingo during the game!

Quote of the day is one of my favorite Peter Pan quotes.  For those of you who are new, we give you a quote every time I post.  I try to make it something that pertains to the days blog.

Peter Pan anteponiendo el té a sus aventuras

Art work of the day!  This is where I show off a little!  As always the art work is mine!  Please do not copy.  If you would like to share, please share the blog or the Facebook page!  If you want to see more, head over to the Facebook page and look in the albums.

Ever wonder where I got the little girl that is our logo?  Well where do you think she came from?  My head of course!  Yep, she's all mine!

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