Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday-We made it!!

January is coming to an end. 

How many of you have kept your New Years goals?  How many gave up the next day?  Today's Pinspirations will be all about setting goals and ways to keep them!  As always click on the picture to get to the link and I do not own anything unless noted!

Don't forget to check out the Facebook page!  I post 4 times a day and they are different than what is posted here!  Everything from both here and there can also be found on Pinterest (and more), so make sure you come follow us so you don't miss anything!

This is something we do at our house.  We set two or three goals and they work on them through the month and if they still need to work on them they keep them for the next month.

Great idea to keep goals fresh for kids!

Maybe weight loss was your goal for this year?  A friend suggested the pound jars and I told her  I would need an ice cream bucket!  I would have to eat the ice cream first which would mean I would have to then go to a 5 gallon bucket!

Allison Connors Creations: My Weight Loss Journal (Which Will Be A Kit--Available Soon)              doing this only with quarters and when i lose all the weight i get to spend the money!

Like those jars?  Dollar Store!

Or was cutting back on Soda (Pop if you prefer) or Coffee your goal?  This might help, even if your not trying to!

Pass on the soda...            7 Reasons to Cut Back on Coffee and healthier alternatives.

Maybe it was to exercise more to help with the weight loss goal or so you can just keep drinking the soda?

EXERCISE!! ♥ GRIEF SHARE: Plantation United Methodist Church, 1001 NW 70 Avenue, Plantation, FL 33313. (954) 584-7500. Most effective Pre-Workout, get some ENERGY!!        Like any exercise, begin where you are. Don't over exert. #savvyhealth #health

Maybe is was to not worry about the little things?  Or maybe it was to notice the little things?  The perfect movie to understand that is About Time! 

About Time (nov 2013 -one of the best films I've ever seen.                   About Time Movie: Comedy, Romance, Family and Time Travel... this is the movie I was talking about last night @Emily Smernis @Danie Tackoor

Maybe it is a way to make your marriage better?  Did you know 50% of marriages will end in divorce?  I blame Vegas, but that's a whole other topic!

Successful marriage. Love this! I think flirting with your husband is such a wonderful thing!                     I find myself saying this to myself, remembering that my husband is also going through the separation from his family.

Maybe it is just to be yourself and stay motivated!

Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it               Be yourself! "you were born an original, don't die a copy!" peer pressure is plain silly, who cares if you belong or not to fake friends!? best not to have any vs many that don't accept you. Like yourself, be comfortable with living with yourself & you're stronger than all peer-pressuring assholes, that's it.

I don't know what your goals are, only you can know what you need to change today, tomorrow may be something else.  For today though I ask you to do one thing.  Stop!  Just stop and sit down for a few minutes and let thoughts fly.  Just let them come, don't try to focus or wonder why you had that thought, just let them fly around in your head.  Picture each thought as a bird taking flight.  Then when they flown away and you are left with one or two that just wont go, those are the things you need to focus on today.  It may be that you need to go for a walk, pay the bills, call someone, apologize to someone, forgive someone, forgive yourself!  Who knows?  You do, you just need to listen to yourself and not the outside world!

My goal for this year is to just be myself!  If that means dying my hair, getting a new outfit, saying what I believe, putting myself out into the world (scariest one for me) or just leaving the house, then that is exactly what I will do!  I'm not saying there wont be days where the couch sucks me in, but I have found that those days help me too!  I sometimes need a day to wallow in my own self-pitty to remind me that I need to get up and make a difference!  If we don't have the lows how will we recognize the highs?

Quote of the Day

From the movie About Time!

About Time @Courtney Baker Ruhlman

Art Work of the Day! 

This is my art work and belongs to me!  Please to do not copy!  If you would like to share it please share the blog or Facebook page! 

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