Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Stitches-current project and tips!

This is one of those projects you see and know that you WILL be doing it!  The only difference for me was that I saw it when I was 10 years old.  It took some looking, but my Mom and my Aunt helped me find all three patterns in the Cross Stitch and Country Crafts magazines that came out in 1987 (I was 8).  It took until I was in my 20s to find all the patterns and gather supplies.  Then it got shelved, I think I didn't want the dream project to be done!  If that makes any sense?  Well, a little over a year ago I dug in and started.  Right off the bat I couldn't find the material need so a change was made.  I should have known I would be making a lot of them! 
Cross Stitch AMISH LIFE Triptych - Folk Art Cross Stitch Patterns  * 3  Magazines Cross Stitch & Country Crafts 1987
I always gather all my supplies.  Great way to keep your little things together are Crystal Light containers!  They work in your purse too!!  The pattern is rather small and I didn't want to ruin the magazines, so I scanned and enlarged the pattern.  This is something I always do with patterns I think I may use again later.

Then we moved and everything got put on hold for a few months!
Here is a picture of Phatty McGee (her real name is DeeDee, but if you've met my large cat you would understand;) helping me hold the pattern!

Another great way to keep your supplies gathered are little tins.  A very good friend gave me this one and another that I use all year round!  Hint:Cloth tape is great to put around the edges of your project!

Following is just a random picture of the project!

Here is my other cat Zyla (aka Squirley-she gathers things and hides them) helping hold my pattern and hoop!  Yes, she just sat there!  She even cuddled in for awhile!  Pepsi and Dr Pepper should get a shout out for helping me through this project!  I also drink a lot of tea when I am stitching (Hubs calls it the little old lady that is stuck in me;).  I have a constant war going on between wanting to be the prim and proper little old lady and the tattooed crazy lady!  So I tend to lean one way or the other, there is never a middle ground....

This is how I store my thread.  I have them sorted by numbers (example-all the 900s are in one bag)  It makes it so much easier to find what I need.  I  also started using plastic bobbins made to hold thread.  Some come with number stickers. They can then attach to metal loops (that my cat has stolen one of and refuses to give back) that will hold everything together.  You can see them in the first picture above.  I bought mine at Hobby Lobby and Amazon, but you can easily make your own from cereal boxes.  I write down what numbers are in the sack on a piece of paper for even quicker findings!  I keep a list of numbers I don't have in my purse, so when I go to get one I need a get a couple that I don't have. 

Random part....

The key for this pattern is the worst EVER!!!  It is completely driving me bonkers!  Really who can understand this?  I have been using the picture of the finished project to guide me.

 See photo for placement? Really the photo is tiny!  I actually just finished that part and I still have a headache.

Shh, ignore the slippers and sweats! I had them cropped out and my phone thought it would be funny to leave them in and embarrass me!  So this is where I am at now, almost through the middle piece and starting on the last section.  The name on the sign has been left for last as I am debating about putting my family name in there.  My grandparents were Mennonite and I love my heritage and would like to honor that...

Quote of the day

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