Friday, October 24, 2014

Christmas Jar Gifts

I know it is easy to search for gifts that you can give in jars, but I thought I would share some of my favorites and some of the ones I may just be using myself!

I love spice tea!  Click on the picture for the recipe!

IMG_2134 edited.jpg

I have made this scrub for several people and they have all loved it!  All it is, is Dawn Olay (the pink one or the Tropical Shea Butter) and sugar.  That's it and it is amazing!

What about a Spa in a jar?  Pick one color as your theme.

How about giving them some tinted jars to decorate with?
DIY tinted glass.  I tried this before with dyed Elmer's glue.  Mod Podge and baking seems a better route!
One more!  Why not use those jars in a Winter Survival Kit?

DIY Snow Day Survival Kit Christmas Gift - sugar cookies in a jar, a cookie cutter, hot chocolate mix in a jar, and hot chocolate spoons!

Hope I gave you some ideas, think out of the box and into the jar!

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