First off if you want to know how I made the pallet sign you can check it out on the Basic Pallet Signs post!
Paint brush
clothes pins
For those of you that are not the huge Harry Potter Fans that I am, A House Elf is a servant. Some of the sock signs you will see say "Free Dobby". Because I am the fan-girl that I am, Dobby is dead, so why are we trying to free him and why can't we try to free all the House Elves? To free a House Elf from servitude their Master gives them clothing. What better way to start a fund than with those lonely socks who are missing their mate?
First, I went into our multiple cans of paint that we have gathered over the years and found a white ceiling paint. Make sure you stir or shake it well if it has been on the shelf for any period of time.
I brushed the paint over thinly, then went over the middle where my words were going to be a little thicker.

Then I free handed my words onto the board. You can use transfer paper, stencils, paint, permanent markers, whatever your creative self wants to make!

I then glued the clothes pins on, as they are what will hold my stray socks.

I wont say this is NOT finished in ANY WAY! I see I need an exclamation point yet! I will have it living on my laundry room wall for awhile and see what I want to add. Maybe I will Mod Podge those clothes pins like I did for the Clothes Pin Magnets! I could make them House Colors! Whatever I decide I have a lot more pallets waiting for me! I will be sure to share whatever I make with them!

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