Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Spoons Everywhere!

 Welcome back, or welcome for the first time!  Boy did you pick a good day to come!  I have been to a wonderful little shop downtown that I had bought a spoon necklace from.  I can't afford to buy them all so I thought I would try to create some that would work perfectly with some of my outfits.


Mod Podge
Easy Cast
Vise Grip
Acrylic paint (toffee or rust brown)

So the very first thing I want to do is apologize for not taking pictures of my hubs as he used his grinder to cut down the spoon (save the handle!) and as he bent it!  I will get pictures when he does the next round and update this.  HERE is a link to how to do this with a vise grip and hack saw.  They explain it a lot better than I can!

I then cut the butterflies out and arranged them in the spoon.  I coated them with Mod Podge and let it completely dry!

I then used Toffee Acrylic paint and brushed it lightly over the spoon.

I then used a very damp paper towel to remove some of the paint.

I then flipped it over and Mod Podged on some butterflies to the back side.

I then added a charm.  As you can see from the picture below it isn't the same one as above.  This is where you get to change your mind, because once you pour the resin it's over!

I then used a pencil to level the spoon and following the directions of the Easy Cast I filled it just to the top.

Close up!

It took about 24 hours for it to dry, because our weather has been amazing and my craftroom was the perfect temperature!  Make sure you check the required temperature on the Easy Cast box! 

I added a chain and done!  Then I went to Goodwill today and bought 16 spoons for $4 and plan on making more!  Just need to get the hubs to help me (he's protective of his tools and shop)!


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