Sunday, February 9, 2014

Welcome to Sunday Tea Time

Today I hear an older woman in my head welcoming you graciously to her table and sitting patiently waiting for you to begin the conversation.  She is your sounding board, your grandmother figure, your psychiatrist, and your hope for the future.  She is that woman that you want to become.  Or for the guys out there.  Maybe he's the same but a grandfatherly figure, or a grandmother, I'm not here to judge!

Today the tea on the table is Tazo's Peachy Green (a peach and cucumber medley).  As always I do not work for Tazo but am recommending their product, I am however an affiliate of Amazon where that link will take you.  The description reads:

"On the grassy steps of an ancient amphitheater, you're the one audience to a peach singing its floral melody to the cucumber vine winding toward it-there to witness the moment green and black teas, sweet peach and fresh cucumber birth a new harmonic."

That is the other thing I love about Tazo-the descriptions.  They make you love the tea even more.

So now that we have our tea, what about your cup?  I usually choose the over Americanized sized cups that are double the size of a normal tea cup.  Mine today is no surprise-my penguin cup!  I love me some penguins!

Now that our psychiatrist figure has sat us at her table and poured the tea, they will ask a very vital question.  One lump or two (or if huge cups like mine 3) and if you would like cream/milk in your tea?  She has placed the cucumber finger sandwiches before you, because they will compliment the tea as will the peach cupcakes you eye on the cake stand.

They sit expectantly waiting for you to begin. But, where do you begin?  Do you begin where you left off on your last visit or do you start with your current troubles?  Do you place your indecision on them or do you jump straight to the heart break you had that week?  This is the time where even if this elderly figure is only in your head, you can sip your tea and think of the week behind you and the one to come.  Take the time to imagine what the week ahead could be like if you just left the past where it was and start fresh with a new week.  Can you picture yourself smiling, feeling blessed, feeling the sun shine on your face as you do your everyday tasks?

Some of us do not lead exciting lives or are adventure seekers.  There are those of us who were created to enjoy what we were given and see the everyday beauty in our surroundings.  If you are that adventure seeker, but enjoy a few minutes to fondly look back at those times you are more than welcome at our Tea Table to share your adventures with us!

Quote of the Day!

tea drinking tree - when I grow up - Motivational - words - inspirational - art quote - quotes - #quotes  #artquote #inspirational

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