Thursday, January 16, 2014

Paper Thursday goes Valentines!

Welcome to our edition of Valentines Paper Thursday!  Today all the posts on the Facebook page will be about Valentines.  Here you get them all in one place and no waiting! NOTE: All photos belong to the blogs/websites that they are shown under. 

Go over to My Paper Crane and see all the amazing Valentines she has and how tos so you can make your own!  She also has some great things for sale in her Etsy store!  Below is a picture of her Morse Code paper straw necklaces, but she has sooooo many more ideas! You can also find those paper straws over at Amazon where I am an affiliate!


When you are done there you can head over to see Camille Styles and her fold and send Valentines!  Make sure you stay a while and look around there are plenty more Valentines projects to be found.

Printable Valentines | Camille Styles

As always Pinterest is a great place to get tons of ideas for any holiday and Valentines is no exception!  Here is a great craft for your kiddos with little hands!  This would also be a great classroom project for PreK-1 as well!  I bet some of the bigger kiddos would even get a kick out of this.
Easy Valentine's DIY for kids!
When you have finished getting lost on Pinterest come on back for the next project!  This Blog Is Not For you has a great way to steer away from all the commercialization and bring back the romance! Not to mention it is pretty quick and easy, even for those of you who aren't the most romantic!

Valentines DIY gift by

Hope you have a great day and that we may have spraked some ideas to start getting you ready for Valentines Day!  There are so many ideas out there so make sure you not only look for them, but TRY THEM!!

Need some paper to complete these projects?  HERE!

Quote for the Day is more of a reminder.  If you have a friend who will be alone for Valentines because their spouse is deployed, take a few minutes to send them a note, or drop off a box of tissues.  It will make them laugh and give them something to use to dry the tears when they climb into bed alone that night.  I have been married 15 years and spent only a few of those with my husband!  My Dad even took me out to supper one Valentines, while my Mom took the kids, and it is one of the best memories I have!
Thank a veteran and his wife (or a veteran and her husband) -

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